What Path Are YOU Choosing?

What Path Are YOU Choosing?

Good morning, Do you ever question if you’re living up to your full potential? Every day, we make choices that put us at the crossroads of “ordinary” and “extraordinary.” Which paths are you choosing? There was a time when I continuously...
What Path Are YOU Choosing?

Are YOU Apart of a 54% Stat???

Happy Labor Day 2023! Since the 1800’s, we’ve celebrated the people whose work has built our great nation. It’s really impressive to see how advanced our country has become in such a short time. But I read a statistic yesterday that shocked me… and...
What Path Are YOU Choosing?

Are YOU A Duck?!?!

What I’m about to say will upset some people… not because it’s offensive, but because some people just can’t handle having their BS called out. There’s an overwhelming number of you out there PRETENDING you’ve got your shit together when...
What Path Are YOU Choosing?

Quitting Your Way To Greatness…

Qutting your way to greatness…Last week I had my good friend and former Navy SEAL, Ray “Cash” Care, speak on the Ubuntu Couples Community call. If you know Ray, you know he’s got a huge personality and is driven by his passion for helping others...
What Path Are YOU Choosing?

How to REALLY Get Ahead…

Monday Mindset  7/24/2023 Good morning difference makers! I often speak on podcasts, from the stage, and to my coaching clients about the difference between assets and liabilities… … From a people perspective. The concept and definitions are the same as we all...