What NOT to Do in Marriage…

May 4, 2023 | Thursday Thunder

Thursday Thunder 🏆🚀

Good morning,

If there’s 1 thing I could beg of you to do… It’s not to make the same marriage mistakes I did.

In 2013, I signed a five-year lease for $15,000/mo without telling my wife until after I had put my name on the signature.

At that time, I was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and was not risk-averse like my wife. I did not communicate with her because I would rather ask for forgiveness than permission.

This caused a breakdown of communication, and we started to diverge in our paths. As a result, we were on the verge of bankruptcy, and our marriage was almost over.

Thankfully, we were able to turn things around and get back on track by focusing on these 3 key areas…

🔥 Firstly, remember that there are three relationships in every relationship: the one you have with yourself, the one they have with themselves, and the one you have together.

🔥Secondly, both of you have your own individual goals and dreams, so make sure you have clarity on them for yourself, and that your partner has clarity on your goals and dreams too.

🔥Finally, use your gifts and talents to help your spouse achieve their goals, and vice versa.

By working on these three areas, we became a cohesive unit, and our relationship became a Force Multiplying marriage.

Our marriage has never been stronger – and we want to teach you exactly how to align your goals so that you can experience this same level of fulfillment.

🚀 The Ignite Your Life Experience is the perfect opportunity for high-achieving couples who want to deepen their connection, reignite their passion, & learn how to become force multipliers to each other.

Click below to learn more about this kickass couple’s mastermind!


Go forth & conquer! 🏆 🚀

Matt Schneider

P.S. We are offering this event at a fraction of the price right now. The price will increase on May 11th – so make sure to save your spot today!

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