This is the last piece of the puzzle – you can’t afford to miss it.

Aug 9, 2023 | Uncategorized

What’s up?!

I’m going to let you in on a lesson I wish I learned before I got married.

→ It is DANGEROUS in a relationship when one person is insanely dedicated to their personal development while the other chooses to remain stagnant. 

When one partner is consuming all of the personal development content… 

Reading all of the books… 

Listening to all of the podcasts…

 They’re expanding. 

 They’re evolving. 

 They’re becoming a better version of themselves. 

And that leaves the other partner at ground zero.

They’re stagnant. 

They’re choosing to remain the same. 

If anything, they’re sliding backward on the personal development slope. 

→ This can cause a rift in the relationship, and can even lead to resentment. 

And if you’re anything like me – we are NOT letting that happen!

You & your partner don’t need to be working towards the same exact goal, but your motivations & ambitions need to be aligned. 

 And my team is teaching you how to do that at the Ignite Your Life Experience. 

Join us on July 13th-14th for a couple’s mastermind that will give you & your partner will learn proven strategies and techniques that will help you take your personal and professional life to the next level.

This will be a weekend packed with adventure, growth, & transformation. 

You don’t want to miss it. 

Click here to register for the event. And as always – don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


Go forth & conquer! 

  • Matt Schneider 

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