Hurry up and Start Living with Urgency!

Aug 8, 2022 | Monday Mindset

This is the Monday Mindset Newsletter that was sent on Monday 8/8/2022…

Good morning Team!

I hope you had a great weekend and are ready to attack the week ahead! 

There’s no denying that summer is coming to a close. While the days are still hot, they are getting shorter. The kids are all talking about back-to-school stuff and the shelves at all the stores are prominently displaying fall colors and Halloween decorations. 

It also means another birthday is coming up for me at the end of this month. This year will be my 41st rotation around the sun.

And that got me thinking… 

I’m not sure at what age we really start to slow things down, even if we take care of ourselves, but I do know that as I look at a lot of the things I really enjoy doing, such as Jiu Jitsu, Wake Surfing, High-Intensity workouts, and vigorous hikes, I don’t see 82-year-olds doing it.

In fact, I don’t see many people over 65 or so doing the kinds of things I love doing and at the pace I love doing them. 

As I thought about this, I realized that if I continue to take care of myself and am fortunate enough to live into my 80s, I’m already halfway there… And I’m well past the halfway point of being able to continue doing “young mans” sports and activities. 

In some ways, it’s a bit depressing. The past 40 years have passed so quickly!! 

But in other ways, I look at my current circumstances… My family is amazing. I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve never had so much financial freedom. My faith in myself and my future has never been higher. And my relationships with my friends and family has never been better. 

Then my thoughts turned to how much more I want to accomplish with the short amount of time I’ve got left.

And that is where I found the message I wanted to share with you today… “Hurry up and start living with urgency!”

I truly believe that as long as we all keep living intentionally and focusing on our goals, the Best Is Yet To Come! 

But make no mistake about it… while getting older and eventually dying is guaranteed with no exceptions, the amount of life we live and what gets accomplished while here is totally up to us. 

So make sure you’re living intentionally.. Ensure that you have BIG audacious goals and are exercising the hard work and discipline to achieve them.. Focus on what’s important and disregard the bullshit.. Push out the toxic and grab hold of the healthy.. Take charge of your life and destiny. 

Life is a vapor my friends. We’re here one moment and gone the next. Make the very most of it. 

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