Having Deep Faith In Yourself Requires Credibility

Jul 11, 2022 | Monday Mindset

Good morning Team! 

I hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed some quality time with loved ones.

For me and my family, there wasn’t much rest, but there was a lot of fun! We spent time with family at a BBQ, spent a day on the lake wake surfing, caught up with some good friends over a nice dinner, and capped it all off with some great seats at the Nitro Circus watching some crazy stunts by some very talented professionals. 

One of the athletes was a guy that goes by the name, “Wheelz”, due to being in a wheelchair. You may be familiar with him based on his time on America’s Got Talent when he received the Golden Buzzer or a variety of other shows he’s been on. 

Last night, Wheelz attempted to land a double backflip for the first time in history in front of all of us cheering fans. 

He would drop down a massive ramp barely the width of his chair and roll right into a steep jump that would send him soaring into the air. 

Wheelz attempted to stick the landing 3 times. Each time he would get both of his backflips in, and just as he went to land, would be off by just enough to crash and burn at the landing. 

After his final attempt, Wheelz was interviewed and he was completely undeterred by the results of his efforts. He wanted to put on a good show for all of us, and he did. He also knows without a shadow of a doubt that he’s going to stick that landing sooner or later and won’t stop trying until he does. 

It’s no wonder why Wheelz is such an inspiration to so many. 

It was watching Wheelz and listening to him that I realized what my message to you all would be on today… Faith Removes Limitations

If there’s one trait that everyone who’s ever achieved greatness shares, it’s faith. 

It’s faith in themselves that they can achieve anything they set out to do.. It’s faith that they are worthy of the accomplishment.. It’s faith that they are the best at what they are doing.. It’s faith that they are capable.. It’s faith that they’ve done the work to produce the results. 

When a deep faith in yourself exists, it’s never a matter of IF you can get it done, it’s a matter of WHEN it will get done. 

And when that kind of faith exists, the process of earning the outcome is more exciting… because you know it’s only a matter of time until you get what you’re working hard towards. 

But, faith will never exist if you lack credibility with yourself. 

The Number 1 reason why I see people lack faith in themselves and therefore don’t achieve their fullest potential, is because they make promises to themselves that they don’t keep. 

People who break the promises they’ve made to themselves know it… Even if no one else does. And those broken promises are corrosive to one’s faith in themselves. 

So, if you want to remove limitations in your life and excel in incredible ways, never make a promise you either can’t or don’t intend to keep. 

Following through with the commitments you make to yourself and others is an incredible way to build extreme faith in yourself…

… and once that happens, it’s not a matter of IF, but WHEN you will stick the landing. 

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