Don’t Believe The Lies…

Aug 7, 2023 | Uncategorized

What’s up!

Don’t believe the lie that you can’t have it all. 

You can. 

Life-changing wealth.
A rock-solid relationship.
Meaningful connection with your kids.
Energy, passion, and focus. 
A fit body and a clear mind. 

I know, because I’ve built this type of “have it all” life, from scratch.  
Let me explain…

I was once fat, out of shape, and on the verge of bankruptcy. 

I was continually arguing with my wife. 

My relationship with my son wasn’t at its best. 

EVERYTHING in my life was on a decline.

And do you want to know why?

I wasn’t fully aligned with my goals. 

I was making excuses. 

I was giving up because the light was nowhere near the end of the tunnel, and I didn’t want to do the work to move closer to the light. 

But at my lowest point, I realized things had to change, or I’d lose everything. 

So I decided things would be different. 

I started working on my health and took my fitness and nutrition more seriously. 

I began looking at our finances and started to build out multiple streams of income. 

I stopped ignoring my wife’s strengths and began to work WITH her toward our goals. 

I chose my family and gave up my excuses. 

I worked my ass off. 

But eventually, I was able to create more wealth than that old me could have ever imagined. 

My relationship with my wife began to thrive. I began to connect with my kids in more meaningful ways. 

I went from being fat to being in the best shape of my life. 

And, I created the freedom, fulfillment, and success I had craved. 

My businesses were growing, my home life was happy, and I was full of energy and focus. 

The transformation was radical.

So, if you want a bigger, better life…
If you want to create life changing wealth without losing your family, marriage, and health in the process…

You’ll have to work insanely hard, but you CAN absolutely have it all. 

I’m glad you’re here. Downloading your free guide is your first step.

Go forth & conquer! 🏆 🚀

Matt Schneider 

P.S. I’d love to learn more about you. Hit reply to this email and give me a little info on your goals, your family, and what you want to accomplish over the next couple of years! It will help me write email content you actually WANT To read!

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