Do you know the 6 P’s of Performance?

Oct 24, 2022 | Monday Mindset

This is the Monday Mindset Newsletter that was sent on Monday 10/24/2022…

Happy Monday Team!

I’m writing you this morning from the Boise Airport. I’m leaving Idaho’s 50-degree weather and headed down to SoCal’s high 70’s. Project class 015 kicks off tomorrow and I’m ready to help forge the men of this class and get some Vitamin D while doing it.

As I write this, it’s just before 430 AM.

Even though the Project doesn’t start until tomorrow at 1pm, I’m on the first flight out today.

Why? …. Because I refuse to set myself up for anything other than the highest probability for success.

And for today’s Mindset email, I thought I would share with you a success habit that has served me well, and will for you too if you apply it.

While I was on the SWAT Team, I learned the 6 P’s of Performance…


In the realm of Special Operations, failing to prepare properly could mean the difference between life and death.

So when it came to our minds, bodies, weapons, equipment, and tactics, being properly prepared at all times was of utmost importance.

As the saying goes, “When it’s time to perform, the time to prepare is over”.

As an Entrepreneur, I’ve found that many of the lessons learned on SWAT are totally applicable to business.

And that brings me back to why I’m at the airport long before I need to be, catching the first flight out for something that requires 2 hours of flight time and doesn’t start for a day and a half.

It comes down to this…

I only have total control of my attitude and my effort. That’s it.

I don’t control the shortage of pilots… I don’t control whether or not a flight gets canceled… I don’t control the weather and whether or not it will re-direct my flight… I don’t control the other flights and whether or not they will be on time for my connecting flight…

Bottom line, the overwhelming amount of things in my life I don’t have control over. And that’s the same for you as well.

So I stack the odds in my favor by way of the 6 P’s of Performance.

By not procrastinating or waiting until the last minute to leave, I have the ability to make any adjustment needed should an unexpected event take place….

I can get diverted… I can miss a connecting flight… I can rebook a canceled flight… And I can DRIVE the 15 hours if I had to… and still ensure I made it on time to the appointment I have with the other Project Instructors and Candidates I’ve committed to.

And that is the lesson for today’s mindset message…

Set yourself up to win by controlling what you can and creating your highest probability of success.

Don’t wait to take important action. Don’t waste time. Don’t kick the can down the road. Don’t put off the things you know you need to do.

Because I can promise you this… If you always follow the 6 P’s of Performace in the important areas of your life, you will find much more success and more easily navigate the shit that’s outside of your control.

Go forth and conquer!


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