Core Values

Jul 18, 2022 | Monday Mindset

This is the Monday Mindset Newsletter that was sent out on Monday 7/18/2022

Good morning, Team!

I hope you all had a great weekend and got a healthy balance of rest and productivity! 

Last week, I made a post on social media discussing how I went from being mentally, emotionally, relationally, and financially broke, to a place of excelling and dominating in each of those areas. 

As a result of that post, I heard from quite a few people… 

I had about a dozen conversations with people who wanted to understand more about how I made the transition from a place of such pain to a place of such prosperity. The answer I gave them was much less complex than they were expecting, so I thought I would share it with you in the event the solution to my pain could be the solution to yours. 

First and foremost, when I was in the worst place of my life back in 2016-2017 I wanted to blame anyone and everything, except myself. 

… “it was the economy”
… “it was poor marketing”
… “it was my team”
… “it was my competitors” 
… “there wasn’t enough time in the day”
… “it was my wife”
… “it was the location of our business”

The excuses for why my Health, Wealth, and Relationships were at an all-time low were everyone else’s fault except my own… Or so I wanted to believe. 

In all reality, the root cause of my circumstances was the fact that I wasn’t taking ownership of my own decision-making and actions and had no defined Core Values to guide me. I was trying to take the “fake it til you make it” route. And that was not working out well. 

It wasn’t until I hired my first mentor in 2017 that I began to understand what was missing. 

I had heard about Core Values before but didn’t really understand them. It’s interesting how many game-changing things are common sense, but not common knowledge… 

Once I learned the role of Core Values in achieving success and avoiding pitfalls, I immediately went to work on figuring out what my Core Values were… Below is what I established mine to be:

These Core Values gave me standards to operate off of. They gave me the ability to establish goals and eliminate distractions and/or deviating from them. My Core Values gave me permission to audit and edit my relationships. And they keep me laser-focused on the path I’m on and the people I allow to be on it with me. 

There’s a saying that “if you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time”. And man, that was so true of my circumstances a handful of years ago. I lacked clarity on what I wanted.. what I would allow.. what I would disallow.. how I was going to improve.. and so on. 

I credit the proximity I put myself to others with defined Core Values and the establishment of my own Core Values, with the dramatic improvement in the areas of my Health, Wealth, and Relationships. 

My circumstances in the areas of my marriage to my amazing wife.. my relationship with my incredible son.. the amount of money I make and currently have sitting in our accounts.. the faith in myself and my ability to achieve anything I set out to.. my fitness… In every important area of my life and my family’s lives, things have literally never been better. 

And the best has yet to even come! 

So, if you’re not happy with the way things are going in the important areas of your life, first, take ownership of that. You always maintain the power and control to change your circumstances. The outcomes of your decision-making and actions are no one else’s fault but your own. 

Next, evaluate whether or not you have defined Core Values to the point that if anyone were to randomly ask you, you could immediately recite them. And once you have strong Core Values established, ensure you abide by them. They must be non-negotiable. 

From there, use your Core Values as your north star in everything you do and for everyone you allow to be in your circle. The changes you will see for the better and the outcomes in your Health, Wealth, and Relationships will speak for themselves.

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