As an Entrepreneur Do You Want To Keep Your Relationship Healthy and Thriving?

Aug 8, 2023 | Uncategorized

What’s up!

After decades of buying, selling, & scaling companies – and equipping other CEOs to do the same – I’m guessing you and your partner are in at least one of these situations:

1️⃣ You’ve built a “successful” business, but can’t quite keep your head above water as it continues to grow. In fact, the growth in your business is pushing you over the edge, and your relationship is struggling. 

2️⃣ This recession is putting some PRESSURE on you – as a business owner or hard-working executive. You’re nervous about the massive wave of layoffs, market changes, and inflation, and don’t want to put your family at risk financially. You and your spouse are starting to fight about money more, and the struggle is hitting a bit too close to home. 

3️⃣ You’ve been too comfortable for too long and you’re ready to dive in and take the next step. You’ve sat at the same income for years… you’re starting to see physical limitations in your body as you get older… you’re relationship is fine, but it lacks passion. 

You and your partner WANT to make changes.

Staying where you are, ISN’T an option. 

You see your potential and are ready to build a legacy that will impact your family for generations to come. 

🔥 You are NOT afraid of doing the work. 

🔥 You are NOT making excuses. 

But you DO need strategic guidance to get things under control, and you do need to get your relationship working FOR your goals. 

That’s why we are hosting our Ignite Your Life Couples Experience. 

Far too many entrepreneurs, executives, and high achievers get so focused on their goals, that they slowly push their spouses out of the picture. But, when you learn to include your spouse in the journey and leverage their gifts, you can build MUCH faster, and you’ll be MUCH happier. 

The Ignite Your Life Couple’s Experience is designed to get you and your spouse on the same page. Because when one person in a couple grows, and the other doesn’t there isn’t much hope for the marriage. 

We want you to build your dreams, TOGETHER. 

So, we put together an incredible experience, where you can get away, enjoy spending time together, and align your strengths and goals so you can move forward alongside one another, as force multipliers. 

We have limited spots on this retreat, so grab your tickets NOW!

Go forth & conquer! 🏆 🚀

Matt Schneider 

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