Are YOU In A Peak or Valley?

Oct 16, 2023 | Monday Mindset

Monday Mindset


Good morning,

Do you remember that scene in Forest Gump where he said,

“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get”?

He wasn’t wrong, was he?

Life is full of peaks and valleys.. wins and losses.. starts and ends.. births and deaths…

It’s just part of the journey… and no one is exempt from it.

So here’s a friendly reminder…
When you’re on a peak, be humble about it.
When you’re in a valley, be resilient.

Nothing lasts forever, and it’s important to remember that, especially during times when you find yourself in a valley.

You’ve got this,


P.s. Doing life with awesome people will always make you happier and more successful. If you could use more positive, hard-charging entrepreneurs and couples in your life, check out the Ubuntu Community.

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