Are You Going To Get Left Behind?

Mar 27, 2023 | Monday Mindset

Monday Mindset 🏆🚀 – 3/27/23

Last week the family and I spent two days at Disneyland and a day at Universal Studios with some friends.
While waiting in line for the Soaring ride (the ride that makes you feel like you’re flying while sitting in front of a HUGE screen), my buddy, who spent many years in the United States Coast Guard, and I had a conversation about the Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers. As he shared some stories, I knew what I would write today’s Mindset email on…

… You’ve got to swim TOWARD the helicopter and DON’T fight those who show up to help you!

When a Coast Guard helicopter shows up, something has gone terribly wrong in the water. Often times its a boat that has capsized due to horrific water conditions during a storm.

Rescue swimmers are highly trained and highly capable professionals. There’s literally no one else you’d rather see jump into the water if you needed help.

As the rescue swimmers swim toward those in need, they approach people in desperation, who are exhausted.. panicked.. afraid.. and gasping for air. Rescue swimmers are trained for these kinds of circumstances.

But if the rescue swimmers can not get the other person to calm down enough to follow simple directions to help themselves, the rescue swimmer may have to leave that person behind. They simply can not risk being climbed all over or fighting with someone in the water as the rescuee attempts to use the rescue swimmer as a means to get their heads above water. The rescuee must be willing to help themselves if the rescue swimmer is to be able to save them.

And the window for this to happen is very short. Often times there are several victims in the water that need to be rescued. And even though the rescue swimmer is trained to be in those kinds of conditions, with hurricane winds, rain, and waves, even they need to get out of the water ASAP and back into the helicopter so the pilot can get them out of there.

Sometimes not everyone makes it out of the water who otherwise could have.

Here’s how this ties into you and your life…

You must be aware of when you need help… When you can’t do something alone… When others are showing up to help… and When you’re being combative or resistant to those offering a helping hand.

I see this most with feedback.

I see a lot of people preaching the importance of feedback. When it comes time to GIVE feedback, they quickly deliver it. But when it comes to RECEIVING feedback, they are combative and resistant.

Having a feedback culture is essential. Having a circle that welcomes feedback and uses it to improve is a circle of growth-minded people with an abundance mindset. And being surrounded by others willing to call you out on your B.S. is critical for your own growth and success as well.

I call it “Having a CEO mindset with a White Belt Mentality.” You’re professional enough to understand the importance of giving and receiving feedback while at the same time being humble enough to deliver and receive it in a healthy way.

When you are acting as the Rescue Swimmer to someone in your family, community, or team, be careful about how and when you give feedback. There is a right and wrong way to do it. But if you deliver the feedback the right way and the person you’re trying to help isn’t wanting to help themselves, there’s not a whole lot you can do for them… and you may need to break away and create distance, so they don’t bring you down with them.

And when a Rescue Swimmer approaches you and you receive the feedback, do not let your pride and ego get in the way. Or you’ll be the one who otherwise could have been helped out of the water, but was left behind.

Go forth and conquer!




P.S. The Ignition Year website got a facelift from TOC Public Relations. Check it out and make sure to check out the Community Page to learn more about the amazing Community that’s launching soon! “I am because WE are.”

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